The date is January 14th, 2025. Today marks the 165th anniversary of the inauguration of Governor John Gately Downey, the 7th Governor of the State of California. It is hard to understate the impact that John Gately Downey had on California and beyond. We live with his legacy today, the City of Downey is named after him and built on the land he once owned. And, it is even harder to understate the impact that the City of Downey has had on LA culture! As we pass this important, but overlooked, date in California history, let’s take some time to look back at the legacy of one of LA’s most important figures.

John Gately Downey has the honor of being California’s first foreign born Governor, long before the Governator would take office. But, unlike his future Austrian counterpart, Downey came from an area in Ireland called Castlesampson. Trading the emerald Irish countryside for the opportunity to finish his schooling in America, John G. Downey departed from Cork in 1842 for Maryland. His step-sisters and uncle were there already and had sent him $50 to help him move. When John G. Downey arrived in America, he finished up his education and, by 1844, was an apprentice to John Callan, a druggist in Washington D.C.
His departure was well timed. In 1845, the Irish potato famine began and continued until 1852. Around 1 million would die and another million would flee the country. For Downey, he must have felt particularly lucky and thoroughly heartbroken to learn that his home, County Roscommon, was hit harder by the famine than any other part of Ireland. His uncle and many childhood friends would’ve died due to starvation. Thankfully, his mother and a few other relatives would survive and come to America in 1851. The story of John G. Downey continues though, moving west.
Downey spent a few years in Ohio, but would be unable to resist the call of the Gold Rush in 1849. Against the advice of his peers, John left for California by way of the Panama Canal. He would arrive 87 days later, at the height of the Gold Rush. There were millions of dollars of gold being pulled out of the hills, valleys, and mountainsides. Foreign workers from China, France, and India were pressuring washing away the landscape in the hopes of finding that elusive substance. It seemed impossible not to get rich! But, long before Hollywood churned and burned young naive hopefuls coming to California to make a name for themselves, the Gold Rush did the same.

John G. Downey was not a successful gold miner. He fell back into a world he knew much better, working as a druggist in San Francisco. This was a better business idea, anyone can swing a pickaxe, but being a druggist was a rarer skill. Downey also expanded his business ventures into money lending, and had enough money to move to LA by the end of 1850. Finally, Downey has made it to the City of Angels! Here, with his partner James P. McFarland, Downey will open up the only drugstore between San Diego and San Francisco - what an incredible business opportunity!
The next few years are busy for John G. Downey. In 1852, Downey married Maria Jesus Guiardo. That same year, he was elected to the Los Angeles Common Council (an early version of our City Council.) He was a member of the first volunteer police force in 1853 and served as LA County supervisor in 1855. He would later serve a second one-year term on the Common Council in 1856, which will turn out to be a particularly busy year.
The Know Nothing Party, an anti-immigrant, anti-Irish, anti-Catholic political party, gains a foothold in California politics when their candidate is elected Governor in 1856. This is a catalyst for Downey to step up his political ambitions and fight to promote his values in California. That same year, he was elected to the State Assembly to represent Los Angeles. He also helped fund the creation of the Irish Sisters of Charity’s first hospital in LA, became the Port Collector for San Pedro, was appointed an agent of the U.S. Treasury, and even became the Superintendent of Lighthouses! It is a pretty impressive resume.
In 1859, Downey and McFarland purchased Rancho Santa Gertrude. This 17,602 acre parcel is now a part of the cities of Downey, Santa Fe Springs, and Norwalk. Downey won’t be spending a lot of time there in 1860 though! A political scandal in September of 1859 propelled Downey into the office of Governor - the death-by-duel of California Senator David C. Broderick at the hands of his former friend David S. Terry! The death of Broderick had a domino effect that reached Downey. Milton Latham had been elected Governor and Downey was meant to be his Lt. Governor. However, after only 5 days in office, Latham resigned as Governor and took Broderick’s position as a California Senator. On January 14th, 1860 John Gately Downey delivered a mercifully short inauguration address:
In entering upon the discharge of the responsible duties of the office of Chief Magistrate of the State, which have devolved upon me under the provisions of the Constitution, in consequence of the resignation of the Governor, I am painfully conscious of the want of that experience which is so necessary to a proper administration of the affairs of the Executive Department of the Government.
I should indeed hesitate to take upon myself the discharge of these duties, did I not rely with confidence upon your appreciation of the difficulties of my position, and your indulgent judgment upon my acts.
I can only give to you, gentlemen, and through you to the people of the State, the assurance, that the affairs of the government shall be administered with a rigid and just economy, and to the best of my abilities, with a due regard to the varied interests of the State.
The general policy which I propose to pursue is plainly and admirably indicated in the Inaugural Address of Governor Latham, and I hope that I shall be able so to discharge the trusts I have this day assumed as to receive your approbation, and that of our common constituency. -John G. Downey Jan. 14th, 1860.
John G. Downey would only serve as Governor until 1862, but his actions would have major repercussions throughout California and the United States. Sacramento became the state capital due to Downey signing a bill to that effect in 1860. In spite of LA siding with the pro-slavery and secessionist sentiment that was sweeping the southern portion of the country, Downey broke with his party and supported Stephen Douglas (of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.) Douglas was a fairly middle of the road (and I would argue a bad alternative given that Douglas was not anti-slavery, but wanted states to determine what was “right” for them.) Abraham Lincoln would emerge victorious and the country would begin its descent into the brutal Civil War when South Carolina became the first state to secede only 2 weeks after Lincoln won the election.
Downey himself was opposed to a war to maintain the Union, but he was called upon by the President of the United States to provide troops to the army. Downey did not hesitate and threw California’s support behind the Union Army. A letter from the desk of Gov. Downey to President Abraham Lincoln on July 14th, 1861 reports having “cheerfully complied” with the offices of the War Department.
Dear Mr. President:
The first requisition made upon this State for six thousand and five hundred volunteers has been filled and the command given to Colonel Carleton. It was indicated by the War Department that it was your desire that this office should have the command. I cheerfully complied as I have every confidence in his experience, patriotism and gallantry.
Yours sincerely,
John G. Downey
Governor of California
California siding with the Union was one of the determining factors in the Civil War. Gold from the Gold Rush kept the Union afloat, paying debts and enabling the US war machine. Soldiers from California protected the overland mail routes, ensuring vital communication across the country was maintained. And the idea of fighting in the south, east, AND west, would’ve been an unwinnable conflict for the northern states. It is no exaggeration to say that California’s actions and resources during the Civil War helped ensure a Union victory. And, it was John G. Downey who went against many of his political contemporaries to keep California in that Union.

It did not, however, ensure a long political career for Gov. John G. Downey. Having lost much of the local support, Downey returned to his life in Los Angeles. The mid-1860s were a hard time for Angelenos. The cattle and livestock industry powered Los Angeles, and they were decimated by years of drought. The old way of life in LA died with those droughts, and ushered in an LA that was more forward thinking and modern. By the late 1860s, Los Angeles was more interested in commerce than cattle. Downey would help create some of the first notable banks in LA, partnering with other notable citizens like I.W. Hellman and F.P.F. Temple. Those days of money lending back in San Francisco proved to be quite a valuable learning experience.
The same year that Downey ventured into banking, LA Water Co. employees drilled the first artesian wells of Los Angeles into his land near modern day Artesia/Compton. Before long, similar wells were springing up all over the Southland. This access to the vast amounts of groundwater enabled the new economy of Los Angeles: agriculture. In 1870, Downey helped create the Southern California Agricultural Society. In a move that may actually be one of his most significant and long lasting contributions to the identity of California, Downey is said to be one of the first to import and grow several types of oranges in the Southern California area for commercial purposes! The idea of oranges and California were practically synonymous by the late 1800s and early 1900s. Until the 1950s, orange groves covered much of what would become the City of Downey and the surrounding countryside.
John G. Downey continued to contribute to the development of Los Angeles throughout the 1870s and 1880s. Downey was behind the creation of the LA library and filled the shelves with his own books, he helped transition LA away from the open ditches used for water to a more modern pipe system, was instrumental in the creation of the Chamber of Commerce, participated in negotiations to bring the Southern Pacific Railroad to Los Angeles, established the Historical Society of Southern California, and lent his name to the town of Downey in 1873. John G. Downey passed away in 1894 due to pneumonia, leaving behind an incredible list of accomplishments.
The City of Downey, like its namesake, has since gone on to make many of its own contributions to history and culture. Although the town was established in 1873, it wasn’t until 1956 when Downey became an incorporated city in LA County. Credited with the first subdivisions in LA and a massive industrial base, the population ballooned from 1940-1960. By 1958, the population was about 90,000. Advertisements at that time were the epitome of 50s design and marketing. Subdivisions, picket fences, grocery stores surrounded by endless parking spots, Downey appears as the quintessential idyllic version of 50s Americana depicted in shows like Leave it to Beaver.
But what industry was it that powered Downey in the post-WWII period? Primarily, aerospace and aviation. Dating all the way back to 1929, aviation was a major part of Downey. The Vultee company manufactured 13,000 aircraft for the military during WWII. Vultee became North American Aviation, the company that secured NASA rights to build parts for the Apollo missions. Humans may never have gone to the moon if it weren't for the City of Downey! NAA became Rockwell, and Rockwell would work with NASA from 1979-1986 to develop six shuttles ending with the Challenge launch disaster in 1986.

Today, major brands have historic ties to the City of Downey. The first Taco Bell was opened there in 1962, the oldest remaining McDonald’s is in Downey and dates back to 1953. Although LA is famous for avocado toast and $18 smoothies, Los Angeles is also as serious as a coronary when it comes to our fast food legacy.
When you think of LA, there’s a good chance you don’t think of Downey. Visitors are more enamored with the idea of Hollywood or Beverly Hills. From a tourism point of view, it makes sense. Downey may not have the types of attractions that rival the Hollywood Sign, Griffith observatory, or Santa Monica Pier. But, what Downey does have, is an abundance of fascinating history. Next time you visit LA, check out the Columbia Memorial Space Center - especially if you have a kid that is interested in space! Or grab a milkshake from the oldest remaining McDonald’s! Like the rest of LA, there’s so much more to Downey than you would ever know, but now you do.
Chris Westbrook
(Many primary sources can be found here, like specific bills and proclamations.)
(This resource in particular is where you will find many transcripts of communications.)